Who am i?
My name’s Danny, I discovered a passion for skin care after accidentally stumbling across the truth about the beauty industry and what a lot of products contain and what that means for the human body!
My research became an obsession, spending day and night looking into every ingredient that went into all grooming products and man was I shocked. Petrochemicals, plastics, toxins, poisons, carcinogenic, the list goes on. I had an overwhelming feeling of disappointment. That's when my fascination began, is it possible to create something that's 100% natural?
This inspired &Som. An Idea born in 2020, a natural skin care range for men. We are a sustainable, clean, honest and effective skincare range for men, contributing to a sustainable world with our unique products and biodegradable packaging. I want to share with you what your skin needs, how you can get it and what results to expect.
My aim is not to scare or worry but to put the right information out there, so I can share what I’ve learnt on this journey so far. At &Som we are an open book, we’ll tell you the good, the bad and the ugly, about how we created our all natural products. We can even tell you where the smallest of our ingredients came from in the world and how we got them.
Here are some of the most important things we’ve learnt so far…
Your skin makes up about 15% of your total body weight. The average adult's skin protects over 11 miles of blood vessels. 11 MILES! A single square inch of skin has about 300 sweat glands. Through these is where things can exit, but also enter.
Your skin is your largest organ and plays a vital role in
Detecting hot and cold
Regulating your body temperature
Protects your muscles, bones and internal organs from outside infection and disease.
Throughout your life, your skin will change constantly, for better or worse. In fact, your skin will regenerate itself approximately every 27 days.
The Skin is made up of 3 layers, Top, Middle and Bottoms layers. These consist of water, protein, fats and minerals.
Epidermis, the top layer.
Dermis, the middle layer.
Hypodermis, the bottom or fatty layer.
Technically there are actually 7 layers but these are the 3 main sections and in total can sometimes reach 10 to 30 layers depending on your skin.
So join us on this journey, welcome to the &Som, Face Changing Skincare!
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Hint: Our next post will blow your mind as I give you the inside info on the top 5 ingredients you 100% want to see in your skincare routine